Learning Christmas

“This Gospel anticipates a world far different from C.S. Lewis’s Narnia, where it is “always winter, and never Christmas.” But the promise of the Gospel is that it is always Christmas. To be “in Christ” is to enjoy each morning as a Christmas morning with the family of God, celebrating the gift of God around the tree of life.”

–Kevin Van Hoozer

Christmas can be a torment for many. I have no doubt it brings grief. Family, friends, finances– mixed liberally with heavy doses of materialism and politics will always bring us issues.  The music and decorations seem like nothing more than mere Novocaine (which doesn’t always work). Stress builds up. And we want none of that.

Being mentally or physically ill often accentuates these issues.

I’m not sure why exactly, but suicide increases during this season. Perhaps the challenges Christmas brings just overwhelm a person who is struggling hard just to make it.

“Christmas is for children. But it is for grown-ups too. Even if it is a headache, a chore, and a nightmare, but it is a period of necessary defrosting of chilled hidebound hearts.”  

–Lenora Mattingly Weber

As I think about Christmas, it is helpful for me to see it as a “mirror.” It is my own reflection and it’s not always pleasant. What we see, is who we are. If we have issues in our own life, the Season will just magnify them.  But this doesn’t mean it’s bad, far from it.

I’m convinced that in all of this, there is an opportunity for us to grow.  

There is a real chance to connect to “Christmas.” The very idea may seem strange.  But Christmas can be an exquisite treat.  It is made by mixing love and truth in generous portions. Our discipleship needs this holiday. I really do need Bethlehem.

I had to learn Christmas.

When we truly process this, we’ll find Christmas. And honestly, it is more than a holiday. For the Christian, it is now a special time. And yes, there will be times when it is trying. Refuse to let that happen. Stop and look for God’s presence.

For me Christmas is becoming a time of great joy and anticipation. Jesus has come for me!


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