Tzel, Shade

“The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand.”

Psalm 121:5, ESV

I once worked for my father-in-law who had to meet a deadline. We shoveled rock into 50# bags. It was unbelievably hot–104 F and we had no shade. The sky was clear and the sun was brutal. I recall praying for a cloud, even a little one, anything.

The Jews had a word, tzel. It’s translated “shade” in our English Bible. That word also meant shelter, covering and coolness. In the land of Israel it could get really hot, up to 120 F in the summer. Tzel was much appreciated.

There’s a promise that clearly speaks of this. The Lord guarantees us shade. I suppose figuratively we’ll go through times when life becomes unbearable, and yet the Father understands. He gives us tzel, relief from harsh and cruel conditions we encounter. Without the shade it gets miserable.

Tzel is when the Lord covers you.

We’re protected and given a real place of coolness and relief. This is a good promise for the born-again believer. You can easily appropriate and claim it–God gives it away to those who love Him. Come now and sit in the shade.

The Lord is your shade.

“The safest place in all the world is in the will of God, and the safest protection in all the world is the name of God.”

    Warren Wiersbe

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