Shama, Listening

1 Samuel 15:22, ESV

In Hebrew, the word ‘shama’ has a powerful meaning which is hard to translate into English. The word actually means “listening and doing.” Shama is a word that combines both ideas into one. To hear and obey is one word to the Hebrews.

It’s all about activity that’s a result of hearing.

Here, the word shama means to allow the words to sink in, to provide understanding that requires a response—it’s about becoming obedient when you hear His voice. In Hebrew, hearing and doing are the same thing. Obedience to these laws is not about legalism or trying to earn God’s favor—it’s about love and active listening.

We desperately need “shama” as disciples of Jesus.

We must understand that listening to God is needed, but obedience is required. Shama tells us this. We can’t just hear Him without obeying. I believe that obedience becomes easy when we are listening to Him.

And that’s a good thing.

Henry T. Blackaby


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