The Four Alls of Prayer

“Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 

19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.”

Eph. 6:18-20, ESV

I am convinced that our most challenging work is learning to pray. Whenever we experience revival, whenever we rediscover our true calling and purpose for living, we do so by prayer. Prayer isn’t the way to get things, it’s how we change.

Prayer is the way we become like Jesus.

Satan’s primary focus is to destroy our prayer lives, he works to eliminate our communion with our Father. He detests that, and he and his demons (and the world system) work overtime to tear down our walk. The enemy concentrates everything on our prayer life.

This passage (v.v. 18-20) emphasizes several truths about prayer. If you take apart these you’ll discover how to shape and direct your ‘time on your knees.’ Notice the following.

  • All times
  • All prayer
  • All perseverance
  • All the saints

If we go further we see that the word “all” in Greek, (although it’s a simple adjective), gets used 1245 times in the Bible. It can mean:

  • all manner of
  • the whole or entirety
  • everything, or the totality of
  • completely

With this in mind we see that Paul stresses the complete effort of prayer and its focus. All the time, every kind, no matter what and for your brother and sisters in Christ need. It’s work, spiritual work. It seems that once we put the armor on (verses 10-17) we can stand in God’s own strength. It’s from that we start to learn prayer.

It’s not enough to wear your armor. There’s something you must do wearing it.

If we’re clothed it’s for the exclusive purpose of prayer. Yes we must dress for war and protection, but its ultimate purpose is prayer and intercession. Don’t just wear it but pray out of it. It’ll be work, but you must do this. You must strive in prayer, so much is counting on you.

You can make a difference.

The Church is counting on you. “Paul” (all pastors, teachers, leaders) absolutely need your prayer. We need boldness, we need grace and love, and only God can give it if you’ll only intercede for us.

It will not be easy. The enemy wants to suppress your prayer life. He absolutely hates it. Satan wants to see us passive and dull and you cannot let him do this. You have a very critical part and place in God’s kingdom. Perhaps others are waiting for you, and perhaps you’re the only one who can step in the gap for them.

You’ve been given a part of God’s field to care for, you have your own sphere of influence. No one else has it, but you.

There many different ways to pray:

  • On your knees
  • walking
  • standing or sitting
  • vocally, or in your thoughts
  • with others, a group
  • using a prayer list
  • “arrow” prayers (shot up with 1-2 sentences)
  • using the Psalms or reading the many prayers in the Bible

(I know there are many more, but these are what comes to mind right now.)

There’s a “school” of prayer and the Holy Spirit intends to teach you.

Don’t play hooky. You will make mistakes or lose focus. The Spirit will teach you stanima. You might pray for one or two minutes at first, but it’ll grow and you’ll learn endurance. Remember though–you’re most like Jesus when you start to intercede for others.

Maybe your sanctification will come when you start to pray?

“You need not cry very loud; he is nearer to us than we think.”

-Brother Lawrence